Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
"not a fan of gold in audio equipment. Looks overstated and fake"

You do realize that brass's gold color results from its ingredients, right?
Audiophiles are goofy creatures. Whine about the eternal struggle for good sound and yet pull up short in the name of aesthetics??? A little schizophrenic if you ask me.

Again, the brass cones are essentially invisible from a conversational distance. This hand wringing is purely academic.

I own the magico Q5's. I contacted magico and asked about the spikes and spike plates. I wanted larger ones to protect my floors. They advised me that the spikes that come with the speakers are designed for the speakers and other spikes may adversely effect the sound of the speakers

Did they provide an engineering basis for this? A lot of speaker manufacturers get pissy and territorial when it comes to this subject....


I may have my preference in the Star vs the Still but you are missing the point and usually do.

Read you post I copied real SLOWWWW and report back. :)

Seekers of sizzle, hint. People vs components.
At the end you have to compare it yourself. I don't what manufacturers say. Because I have proven that many times they were wrong.

You are the one who can hear if you prefer it or not. It is that easy.

The gold colour makes it look cheap and F...ugly. I don't understand why they didn't use a silver look.

I will write a review about the Ultra SS soon for under my speakers. It is impressive what it does. Without it you miss a lot.