Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
P59teitel, did Robert give you any reason to buy the 2 inch Audio Points? I think the 1.5 inchers sound better.
There is a big difference between a large high mass highly reactive speaker cabinet in comparison to an amplifier, power conditioner or any electronic component. In many situations the 1.5" AP will sound better than the two inch version however the 2" AP will clearly sound better in other applications.

Loudspeakers produce much more energy and vibration increasing resonance that affects the performance of each driver in combination with the enclosure. The two inch audio points were supplied for the larger Revel which has a lot more mass and surface area compared to an electronics chassis and smaller speaker designs. In this case we added more brass weight in order to attract the heavier amplitudes of resonance and unwanted noise that forms up on a dense speaker chassis. In this particular application the two inch Audio Points would clearly outperform the smaller version.

The Audio Points were provided as a quick fix/improvement and will eventually be traded back when the larger Sistrum Apprentice XL becomes available this fall.

Please remember it is not fair to compare an Audio Point performance and functionality to any Sistrum Platform design as the platforms are designed with a totally different geometry and present a much larger area of reactance. Tom. Star Sound Technology
07-15-14: Petieboy12003
"Bol1972, are you related to Peter from Phasure? Your swirling verbiage reminds me of him. "

But but Peter really knows what he is talking about!
This is almost a huge compliment

Yes indeed. Peter is a genius who comes across as a verbal Tasmanian devil to uninformed dolts like moi....
07-15-14: Bo1972
Who the Peter?

I hate to admit it, but that made me laugh.

Peter is the Dutch madman behind this:

He has designed what many consider to be the best media player/dac in the world. You need to F.... hear one.
Nope, that was just his recommendation for me to use as the bridge product until the Apprentice XL platforms are available.