Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
07-15-14: Petieboy12003
"Bol1972, are you related to Peter from Phasure? Your swirling verbiage reminds me of him. "

But but Peter really knows what he is talking about!
This is almost a huge compliment

Yes indeed. Peter is a genius who comes across as a verbal Tasmanian devil to uninformed dolts like moi....
07-15-14: Bo1972
Who the Peter?

I hate to admit it, but that made me laugh.

Peter is the Dutch madman behind this:

He has designed what many consider to be the best media player/dac in the world. You need to F.... hear one.
Nope, that was just his recommendation for me to use as the bridge product until the Apprentice XL platforms are available.
The Sistrum stands greatly interest me for electronics but I'm concerned of my products sitting on sharp tips that will indent or scratch up the bottom of the product. Is there a solution to this?
Jafox, there is a solution, called coupling disks. Actually they sound better when used than without them.

There is a method using scotch tape to hold them on until you have the speaker or component on top.