Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
I think it is one of the positive aspects of growing older and maturing. You come to know what you need and love from inside, and you stop seeking the affirmation as you said, from others. I still have desires for further refinements to my system, but again, they are based on my own positive experiences, not outside pressure (more apprentice platforms for example).
I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that I am finally changing out my beloved and somewhat modified McIntosh 2105 (still keeping it though!) for an 8 watt Audio Note Kits Kit 1 Tenth Anniversary. My speakers are 102db efficiency, and I have been considering this move for a long time. It was certainly influenced by you though, since I know and love your speakers, and over many threads I have seen that we share similar preferences. It is being professionally built by Audio Note Kits sanctioned builder, Pete Fulton, and yes, I did order a matched quad of Jupiter copper foil caps to replace the stock Mundorfs.
It will probably be another 3 weeks until I have it, but I have already waited for 8 weeks, so it's no big thing.
Thanks for generously sharing your experiences.
Hi Roxy54,
Congratulations on the Audio Note Kit amplifiers, they have a reputation for providing exceptional sound quality. It should be a really fine match for your high sensitivity/efficiency speakers. Of coursr with my bias I believe that you are moving in the direction of increased joy and musical naturalness LOL. What speakers are you using? I'm interested to know your impressions regarding a major amplifier change such as this. Please keep us posted. I think there's a good chance you're going to be thrilled with these changes to your system.
By the way choosing the upgraded Jupiter copper foil capacitors was a wise decision IMO. They've already achieved a great reputation and seem very well priced. Spending a bit more money for them could result in superb long term satisfaction and eliminate the dreaded 2nd guessing syndrome.
Now 96 hours in with the Audio Points, and I am a total convert to this audio religion.

I'm not sure how they do it, but the affect is that the system has become both more precise AND more musical. The bass is tighter yet with significantly more prominence and slam - a superior foundation has been built. Microdynamics are better, treble is more detailed but even less fatiguing at concert levels, and imaging is both taller and deeper while being more precise, i.e. I can hear players in the soundstage RIGHT THERE.

And yeah, the apparent volume has increased too as Granny noted. The Salon 2s are not exactly an exemplar of efficiency so I've gone with high-current amplification solutions to make them hit hard when I want them to. It's nice to not have to draw so much juice out of the wall as I was before.