Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
The idea of comparing Stillpoints to audio points I find ludicrous.

The primary comparison is with the SS stands . There is no shortage of engineering prowess that goes into the SS product, and thus your rant, which reads a little like ad copy, is not altogether accurate.

Have you ever tried the points?? Empty words/thoughts you have. If you have tried both then your words carry weight.
Roxy54, Pkoegz has yet to say the Stillpoints actually did anything to the sound of his system, or that they have a more beneficial effect upon sound than Star Sound's products do. His appreciation of them seems to lie more in what most of us would view as rather ancillary considerations such as "revolutionary design" and "unique machining."

So I'm not sure there's really anything there to respond to, in terms of audio anyway.

Glory, Speaking of empty words and thoughts. I, of course, deliberately misrepresented your worthless post.
I have nothing to say against the Stillpoints, as I have never used them, but it is true that it is easy to be dazzled by claims of unique and/or revolutionary design. I think that there are times that in audio, and other fields, these claims are true; but I have found that it doesn't always translate into better performance.