Stillpoints and reference-level speakers

Seems logical to assume that the makers of megabuck speakers would use superior footers in their designs. Any experience out there with Stillpoints isolation devices to support the reference-level offerings from Magico, TAD, Rockport, Tidal, and others?
Actually it is you Tbg who is clueless and in denial. If you read you see he goes into both sides of the issue good and bad. If you do not like him plenty of other articles out there. You are buying into bull and don't know what to do. There are only a few co out there that really understand or take the time to design proper well thought out isolation products, SAR, HRS, Stillpoints and a few others. You convince yourself you can get as good if not the best at very low pricing. That it cost nothing to properly design something let alone manufacture it. Then call an article delusional or poorly written or like was written in the 70's, like isolation facts have changed since then. Simply because they point out in an article how little you obviously know or understand. Burn the writer and his article he is spreading unclean thoughts! Like I said you guys are funny.
Actually it is you Tbg who is clueless and in denial. If you read the article through you would understand he goes into both sides of the issue positive and negative. That he explains why how and when they are useful and the theories behind them. He explains why the floor disc need to be small and how they effect the spikes. If you do not like this article there are plenty of others out there. Do a little research, google it. You are buying into bull and don't know what to do. There are only a few co's out there that really understand or take the time to design proper well thought out isolation products, SAR, HRS, Stillpoints and a few others. You convince yourself you can get as good if not the best at very low pricing. That it cost nothing to properly design something let alone manufacture it. Then call an article delusional or poorly written or as if it was written in the 70's, like isolation facts have changed since then. Simply because they point out in an article how little you obviously know or understand. Burn the writer at the stake he is spreading unclean thoughts that I do not agree with or fit into my world! Like I said, "you guys are funny".
Pkoegz, I think it is you who are buying into bull although I agree with you about StillPoints. The main purpose of points is increasing the foot pounds per square inch. Mass is hard to accelerate with vibrations. But the real issue is that everything has a resonant frequency. He discusses the benefits of rubber feet and says nothing about how awful rubber makes the speakers sound.

Stillpoints innovation is to convert vertical motion into horizon motion and then to heat. That is good science if vertical motion is the vibration we need to avoid. Star Sound's focus is to get the vibrations in components to ground quickly. They also focus on good science of the speed of sound through metals. Your guy focuses on spikes on runners shoes which are to improve friction or traction on surfaces. Yes, your speakers on spikes will not slide easily.

Your not funny at all. Enjoy your music.
You should compare both SP and Star Sound products directly and then decide based on listening. This is superior to citing articles of someone's opinion. Contributors to this thread have actually compared and the majority have selected Star sound as their preference. So just listen and determine which is better in your system. There's no better solution than hearing for yourself.
Glory I have had many different footers on many high end speaker systems. The magico q5's come with extremely well made and no doubt expensive spikes. If you think brass is the answer by all means enjoy. I have had spikes on tt's, on all types of stands, etc., don't like them. Don't believe in their "science". Here's an article that makes my point. Think as you wish, I prefer real science, engineering and independent thought.

Which footers have you tried? The Magico footers are aluminum no doubt.

I am a man of "science" as well. One of the central elements to any science is experimentation. You should try the Starsound products (stands not the footers) and report back. It is a company with a team of engineers involved. No soggy pseudo-science. BTW, the SS products do not work by "isolation." Your panties are bunched up in part due to semantics....