Speaker input, which one, Magico, Avalon, Yg, Rock

Tough decision, Have recently updated all my Spectral with all the latest Spectral, 400 Dma, 4000sl, 30ss11. I currently have Avalon Edilons, 2002 purchased. I like the sound but am looking for a better bass. I like music not over detailed or bright, I need to hear before I purchase, but will never hear all of the above in one place. I would appreciate input as they relate to Spectral . I am considering, Magico q30, Avalon compas, Yg KIpod 11passive, and Rockport Atria. All are excellent speakers, but which is the most musical and fits my 15 by 18 by 10 ft room. Thanks. , I also like the soundstage I now have
My Eidolons are not as old as yours, not that it maters. I'm a Bass player and the Eidolons went straight to my heart from the very beginning, With my large room I supplemented with a pair of Velodyne subs. I'm not in the full range camp. I prefer to have control over the extra low frequency.

At this level I'm sure your expecting the audition for yourself answer here and I couldn't agree more. I've heard Avalon has designed a few new models that provide more bass and I don't think their site has been updated. Shoot them an email.
Thanks for the response, I really do like the Avalons as they have great soundstage and a great mid and hi end, If thymine had a more extended bass and tighter, I would keep,them. I understand the new Compass may solve my ishes