Meadowlark Kestrel question?

Have any owners of this speaker ever tried a low powered SET amp with them? I have an 8 watt amp and am wondering if this would be enough to get decent volume. (I live in a condo so I don't need to shake the walls) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I still use a pair of the original Kestrels. Now they are being driven by a 30 watt integrated. I hooked a 20 watt tri-path amp to them a while ago and it had no problem with them. I will say I rarely listen at loud levels.
FWIW, my ears much prefer the original Kestrels over the Kestrel II.
Thanks for the input. I am going to demo them this weekend and the seller said I could bring my amp :)
I am currently using Meadowlark Kestrel 2's and I really think they are nice speakers. I bought a (Rawson clone) First Watt F3 (15W)on A'gon to see how they would do. It was enough power with my phonostage but I felt the amp struggled a little when using just the preamp. My room is 15'x18'x8' and I listen at btwn 65 and 75db. Hope this helps. Enjoy the music.