Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home

There is a post the question " The best speaker you have heard?" I wonder how many of you have owned that elusive " best speaker I have ever heard.
Without question the Polymer Audio MKS. It is not subjectively the best sounding, it is also simply in a whole other universe in terms of construction and engineering. All other loudspeakers I have owned seem amateur in comparison.

The Polymer MKS has concluded the search for the elusive "best". It very hard to describe the incredible leap in musical realism and the way it connects the listener to the music. Now, I am just trying different amplifiers. So far the best result has been driving it with the Dartzeel but it is a little underpowered for these speakers. So im on a search for an amp that has that sweetness and smoothness of the Dartzeel but with more power and damping factor. Next week, I am getting delivery of the Soulution 710 which is recommended by the manufacturer.
Infinity IRS Betas.

The least compromised speaker I've ever heard, much less owned.

I am a fan of speakers that play music for me, not those big PA speakers that are full of " shock and awe". Speakers that are involving, emotional, high resolution. So often those companies that fun those full page ads and have those flagship speakers just don't get it.