How to meaningfully audition speakers??

I think this topic has appeared elsewhere, even if worded differently. But I thought I'd ask anyway.

Just upgraded my amp and was thinking about auditioning different speakers. Problem is that there are only a handful of high-end B&M stores nearby. Another complication is that no one store has the 2 or 3 speaker brands that I want to check out.

Further, I am dubious that one can meaningfully audition gear by running from store to store because the test conditions are not identical. In addition, unless a piece is really terrible or incredibly terrific, I don't trust my aural memory. Perhaps other have a different view.

Seems to me that the best way to accomplish what I want is to have the speakers of interest brought to my house and hooked up to my rig. But -- I am NOT aware of any dealer willing to part with expensive gear like that, especially if it has to be specially ordered from a distributor because the model is not on display.

So the Q is what do most folks do? Just buy speakers on hope and a prayer?? Rely on reviews or Forum comments??
I hear you Bo, but although it might be "relaxed" and not sound harsh at high SPL's I guarantee you that your ears can't take those levels for sustained periods without serious risk of damage. There are, I'm sure, more than a few on this site suffering from tinnitus. I don't know your age but I would seriously recommend you not continue this practice if you value your hearing which I'm sure you do if you love music. You ever hear ringing when there is nothing but the sound of silence?
My ears are very sensitive, I can feel when it is too much. That is why I Always have my earplugs with me during concerts. I need my ears for my work. Thanks for your concern!
Yea, hearing is a limited resource that should be preserved.

most sources say that continuous exposure to volumes higher than even just mid 80s Db damages ears ability to always listen loudly with caution....
You're right Bo, your ears ARE sensitive. When you can feel it's too much, you've passed the threshold, the SPL's you indicate are well beyond, that is the point of my post. I too have been to concerts on a very regular basis, particularly many years back where the threshold could just be unbearable. Very early on, I got to the point where I would bring cotton balls and plug them in my ears when the volumes got to that point. I remember quite well having my hands on my ears at my first rock concert throughout the concert it was so loud as we were close to the speakers. My hearing has ALWAYS been sensitive, since childhood. Could never stand loud noises and could seemingly hear things others couldn't. Fortunately those instincts and that first rock concert experience carried forward but others, I have discovered, are less fortunate and I really feel for what they go through. I consider hearing to be the most important sense we are blessed with.
I sleep also with earplugs. Even with earplugs in my deapest sleep I will get awake in a few seconds when our Weimaraner Beau starts to bark. He is at a long distance from me. I am blessed witha photographic memory in sound. When I hear a system in a few seconds I can write on paper where alkl the instruments and voices are standing. I also remember it with ease. So when a speaker, amp, cable or source will be changed I can compare it with eachother. I knoe exactly what the difference is. This is a big advantage for this work. For Audyssey Pro measurements I gave me the information when you can measure the most dynamics. And at which places you get the best results. That is why I measure at a totally different way compared to Audyssey. We have now contsact with them again. I want to invite them to let them hear that my way of measurement is superior to there way. And no I will never tell them how I do it. Just comparing, most fun part in audio.