You're right Bo, your ears ARE sensitive. When you can feel it's too much, you've passed the threshold, the SPL's you indicate are well beyond, that is the point of my post. I too have been to concerts on a very regular basis, particularly many years back where the threshold could just be unbearable. Very early on, I got to the point where I would bring cotton balls and plug them in my ears when the volumes got to that point. I remember quite well having my hands on my ears at my first rock concert throughout the concert it was so loud as we were close to the speakers. My hearing has ALWAYS been sensitive, since childhood. Could never stand loud noises and could seemingly hear things others couldn't. Fortunately those instincts and that first rock concert experience carried forward but others, I have discovered, are less fortunate and I really feel for what they go through. I consider hearing to be the most important sense we are blessed with.