We're just fortunate that philips HAPPENS to be on our side in this matter. It's just a coincidence that their interests appear to somewhat coinside with our own (playback restricted CDs = suck). Though things could change in the future...
Also, FYI - Philips own MARANTZ, too. So I guess in a round-a-bout way, you could buy Marantz stuff and support Philips. Just another option.
(disclaimer: I do not work for Philips, nor Marantz. nor do I own stock. Nor does anyone in my family, nor any friends. My city does not collect tax revenue from Philips or Marantz, nor any competetors. Now.. I DO OWN a Marantz CD player and a Marantz learning remote control. Both of which, I AM A SATISFIED owner. /end standard disclaimer...)
Also, FYI - Philips own MARANTZ, too. So I guess in a round-a-bout way, you could buy Marantz stuff and support Philips. Just another option.
(disclaimer: I do not work for Philips, nor Marantz. nor do I own stock. Nor does anyone in my family, nor any friends. My city does not collect tax revenue from Philips or Marantz, nor any competetors. Now.. I DO OWN a Marantz CD player and a Marantz learning remote control. Both of which, I AM A SATISFIED owner. /end standard disclaimer...)