I got the USB DAC per everyone's sugguestion BUT..

Oh well, I got the V-Dac..., but am returning it. There's a limitation on most of these DACs out there that they will only take a max of 16bit 48khz sample rate through USB. It is definitely the case for this V-DAC. I also called Emotiva and they said the USB will limit the bit depth no matter what brand I use because most high-end DACs don't have a 3rd party driver. I tried to stream a Vinyl rip at 24bit 192hkz with the V-DAC and it wouldn't play no matter what. I also tried without the USB Cable, using "pass through" from on board sound to the DAC through a coaxial cable. but was unable to get any sound. Any of you ever gotten a DAC to operate at 24/192 under Windows 7?

My Musiland MD10 handles it all just fine. I stream from Windows 7, Vista, Dishnetwork, Cable, cd and more. The only thing it can't handle is multichannel digital.

You do know that most redbook cd's are only 16bit. If you have vinyl ripped at 24 bit, it would be a drag to have to re-rip it at a lower rate.
The Ayre USB DAC and some others will handle 24/192, but at this time, most USB DACs won't. If you are ripping vinyl at hi-rez and want to play it back that way, you need to spend for hi-rez playback
I think the Wired 4 Sound DAC 2 is probably the least expensive USB based DAC that can handle higher than 14/48.