Dream System: Magico + Coincident + Wavelength ?

What do you guys think of this system that came up in my head as my future perfect system.

Magico Q3
Coincident Dragon
Coincident Statement Line Stage
Luxman D-06 Or Wavelength Cosecant

I have heard each of these components separately and think they might go very well together. I own the Dragons so am 25% there. Been day dreaming about this as my perfect system.
Wondering what you think ? What would you change.

I love transparency, low level detail, full bodied sound (contradiction?) and but despise brightness or very forward analytical sound.

Listen to mostly jazz, acoustic, vocals.
I have to agree with Brf and Brownsfan. The Dragon MK II is a splendid
amplifier but I don't believe the low impedance Magico Q3 is the preferred
match. The Dragon has 8 and 16 ohm speaker taps and that would concern
me driving a speaker that dips below 3 ohms. Obviously if you could hear
them paired together that would settle the issue. Personally I believe that
the Dragon would perform to its fullest potential with a higher ohm load
speaker. The Magico probably is better suited for SS amplifiers. Essrand
the Dragon and Coincident linestage would be pure sonic heaven.
I am planning on similar system with the Magico Q3, Coincident Statement Linestage, Merrill Audio Veritas Monoblocks and the Lampizator Level 5 DAC with DSD. The Veritas have more than enough power to drive the Q3's.
That looks to be a very nice system you're planning, the Veritas amp would
seem a fine match with the Magico(in terms of driving the speaker load).
The Dragon MK II "may" work out well also but a 4 ohm tap
would be desirable with that speaker load. With the superb Dragon this is a
case of building around an amp rather than the speaker.
Got to go with the majority on this one. I would not be pairing the Magico and Dragon together. Be sure to demo them together at your preferred listening level and with your favorite music.
I am tempted by the Dragons as it will mate perfectly with the Coincident Linestage, but I am scared due to the impedance of the speakers. I chose the Veritas because I also think SS amplifier would suit the Magico's very well.