Dream System: Magico + Coincident + Wavelength ?

What do you guys think of this system that came up in my head as my future perfect system.

Magico Q3
Coincident Dragon
Coincident Statement Line Stage
Luxman D-06 Or Wavelength Cosecant

I have heard each of these components separately and think they might go very well together. I own the Dragons so am 25% there. Been day dreaming about this as my perfect system.
Wondering what you think ? What would you change.

I love transparency, low level detail, full bodied sound (contradiction?) and but despise brightness or very forward analytical sound.

Listen to mostly jazz, acoustic, vocals.

Yes. I am almost about to pull a trigger on a Coincident Line Stage.

Thanks for the advice guys, I will stop dreaming about the Q3.

I do want to build the system around the Dragons. They are amazing.

Any suggestions other than Coincident speakers ?
I recall you were given many good speaker recommendations on your Devore Orangutan thread.
Hi Charles1dad,

Based on someone's (Kiddman or Mapman) suggestion on the Devore Orangutan thread, I went RMAF 2013 and heard most of the speakers mentioned in that thread (Coincident, Devore, Tanner Friedl, VA The Kiss). It was a great experience.

Most of the speakers in that thread concentrated on high efficiency, since I bought the Dragons, I can now expand my speaker search. So wondering what other speakers I can think of.

My top choices are still the Devore Orangutan O/96 (not O/93 which is a tad less transparent) and Verity Parsifal Encore/Ovation.

But I do not know how well they will mate with the Dragons.
I'd think either of these speakers would be a good match with the Dragons. I've not heard the Verity but they're certainty well regarded. I heard the Orangutan just once at RMAF 2011 and thought that they were good but I wasn't blown away by them.

You heard both (different room and system I assume) what did you like about them? Given their different design they must sound rather distinct from one another.