Dream System: Magico + Coincident + Wavelength ?

What do you guys think of this system that came up in my head as my future perfect system.

Magico Q3
Coincident Dragon
Coincident Statement Line Stage
Luxman D-06 Or Wavelength Cosecant

I have heard each of these components separately and think they might go very well together. I own the Dragons so am 25% there. Been day dreaming about this as my perfect system.
Wondering what you think ? What would you change.

I love transparency, low level detail, full bodied sound (contradiction?) and but despise brightness or very forward analytical sound.

Listen to mostly jazz, acoustic, vocals.
Congrats ebm ! while visiting various forums I know you were on the lookout for Q3. Yes they are wonderful.

Yes I was not blown away by the Devores either. Therefore the search still continues. I have only heard Verity Parsifal Ovation monitors not the fullrange with the woofers. But I heard the Verity Fidelio fullrange. So I can approximate how they sound.
Too bad they were not represented at RMAF.
I used an 845 SET amplifier with Verity Parsifil Encores prior to purchasing Coincident speakers. Given the choice today, I would take the new Parsifil Ovations over my Coincident. If you are looking at used Verity’s, I whole heartily recommend the new Ovations over the earlier Parsifil models. That's a high recommendation since I love my Coincidents.
I don't know how similar/dissimilar our hearing and taste may be. My Coincident Total Eclipse with the upgraded Duelund CAST has been simply fantastic sounding (I know you have the same). If you're that impressed with the Verity Ovation if must be quite special. Brf, as a point of reference do you like Magico speakers? I've heard 5 of their models and I just don't like them at all. I recognize and respect that we all have individual sonic preferences.

Hi Charles1dad, I have never heard any Magico speakers, therefore, I cannot comment on their sound.

The Verity Parsifil Ovations are very natural and musical just like the Coincident, but are more room and placement friendly due to the optional rear or forward facing woofer. The two independent and isolated cabinets really help with high level detail and sound coherency very much in the same manner as Coincident’s top of line PR Extreme.

Verity and Coincident are similarly voiced IMHO. Like you, I am very happy with my current speakers and I am not motivated to change, BUT if someone wanted to trade, I would give it some very serious consideration.