Dream System: Magico + Coincident + Wavelength ?

What do you guys think of this system that came up in my head as my future perfect system.

Magico Q3
Coincident Dragon
Coincident Statement Line Stage
Luxman D-06 Or Wavelength Cosecant

I have heard each of these components separately and think they might go very well together. I own the Dragons so am 25% there. Been day dreaming about this as my perfect system.
Wondering what you think ? What would you change.

I love transparency, low level detail, full bodied sound (contradiction?) and but despise brightness or very forward analytical sound.

Listen to mostly jazz, acoustic, vocals.
If you are going with Coincicent go wth his speakers too, better than the Magicos.
That's why I love a marketplace that provides choices. You prefer the Magico and voted with your wallet, that's good. Others such as Kiddman and myself find the Coincident better sounding, no right or wrong choice. We buy what we individually like and I suspect the Magico will serve you very well, congratulations and enjoy them.