Tannoy Kensington SE vs Magnepan 20.7

I know these are completely different speakers at a close price range. Which speaker would play better for all genre?
You made a great choice. You will feel what the Tannoys are all about: music, listening to and soaking in the music.
Both great speakers with quite different sound. If you listen at really low levels, the Kensington is probably a better choice. Maggies don't need to be played loudly, but, they do seem to come alive at a higher level than the Kensington.

My "issue" with the Kensington is a upper midrange peak that adds an edge or sibilance that cannot be tamed by use of the controls on the speaker. It may add a sense of presence and speed, but, I would prefer that it not be there. Still, this is a good sounding speaker (I only heard it with tubes).

The Maggies deliver the great transparency and clarity that is characteristic of this whole line of speakers. You get this without a leaned out sounding tonal balance that is characteristic of so many speakers these days. It is rich sounding without being murky. It did sound lacking in bass and undynamic when played very softly, but, otherwise, a great sounding speaker (heard only with solid state).
Interesting experience you, Larry, have with Kensington. I can recognize that Kensington have a very high transient speed in the midrange, but I have never had problems with sibilance. This may have been a problem with matching amps and cables?

Mcintosh C48 preamp, Clearaudio Concept turntable with Artist v2 Ebony Cartridge, Oppo BDP-105, Manley Neo Classic 250, Nordost Frey 2 XLR, RCA & A/C. Nordost Valhalla speaker cables. Just waiting for my Tannoy Kensington GR. I hope they already shipped from UK.