Mcintosh C48 preamp, Clearaudio Concept turntable with Artist v2 Ebony Cartridge, Oppo BDP-105, Manley Neo Classic 250, Nordost Frey 2 XLR, RCA & A/C. Nordost Valhalla speaker cables. Just waiting for my Tannoy Kensington GR. I hope they already shipped from UK.
Mcintosh C48 preamp, Clearaudio Concept turntable with Artist v2 Ebony Cartridge, Oppo BDP-105, Manley Neo Classic 250, Nordost Frey 2 XLR, RCA & A/C. Nordost Valhalla speaker cables. Just waiting for my Tannoy Kensington GR. I hope they already shipped from UK.