Zu or Totem or ProAc?

I upgraded my front end to a Rogue Cronus Magnum about a year ago and it's time to upgrade my speakers and would love some advice from people that understand my plight.

My sources are a Project Xpression III turntable and streaming via the Audioengine D2 wireless transmitter/receiver from laptop. Then, as I said, I have the Rogue Cronus Magnum, which I'm a big fan of. That feeds my old Advent 1 speakers and the variable output feeds a Hsu Research subwoofer.

My room is 12' wide by 21' long with 24' ceilings, so it's a bit cavernous. My speakers sit on one end of the 21' long dimension, about 10' apart from each other, facing the 21' distance.

I primarily listen to rock, with blues and jazz mixed in on occasion.

As fanatical as I can be about good sound, I'm also a sucker for design. For that reason, I love the look of the Zu Audio Soul Superfly's. However I have never heard them and I'm not sure if, at 16 ohms, the 100 WPC Rogue Cronus Magnum is too much for them.
I am also very intrigued by ProAc and my trusted local retailer in Phoenix is a ProAc dealer so that's helpful.
And then, there is Totem, which a reliable source has strongly suggested.
Not to mention, countless other manufacturers that I have read about.

My price range is $2000 - $3000.

I REALLY appreciate any thoughts. I'm going dizzy reading as much as I can about these but I want to have as much info as possible before taking the step of auditioning them in my home. Thanks all.

I have not owned the Superflys, but did own the Zu Omen Defs. They sounded fantastic with your type of music -- rock and jazz, and they are very easy to drive. I would give Zu Audio a call and talk to them -- Sean and the rest of the Zu guys are great and easy to talk to, and will definitely steer you right.
I really like ProAc with tubes. Totem typically like SS due to their thirst for power. I have not heard the Zu Superfly's.

I would add a pair of Reference 3A MM de Capo BE speakers to that list and perhaps Merlin TSM - MMM.
Totems have stable 8 Ohm impedance that is quite friendly for the tube gear. They can sound great with tubes and share a lot in common with ProAc.