PSB or stick with vintage ADS

I currently have a vintage pair of great sounding (to me) ADS L470s. ADS has long been my favorite speaker (since the 80s) and I've simply never wanted to replace them. I briefly owned a larger floor-standing model and a smaller bookshelf as well. So 3 different pairs of ADS.

However, now I'm considering an in-house audition to compare some PSB Alpha B1s. I may also consider the in-wall PSB CW26s. This is simply due to space considerations - I just don't have a good location now for my speakers.

Now, clearly I'm not in the high-end audiophile range. I realize that. I'm unavoidably stuck in entry level, unfortunately. But has anyone who might be able to comment on both pairs of speakers have an opinion on whether the PSBs would be a suitable replacement for a loooong time ADS lover? I don't really want to bother bringing them home if they simply aren't at least as good. Both pair receive great respect in comments, but I never see them compared due to the fact the ADS are long gone as a company. Any mention of how good the ADS are is in the context of someone obtaining them for cheap through some acquisition. Ha.

I have read that speaker tech has come a long way over the years.

PS to my last response -- I didn't mean to sound as though I ignored the suggestions given by everyone. I just realized I practically repeated my opening post in my last one. I'm going through the responses again to help determine what course I'd really like to take. I suppose I've become curious enough to at least listen to one or two modern speakers for comparison, but I also suspect I might be disappointed.
About the in-wall speaker idea -- I currently have an entertainment center/cutout over my fireplace, which is situated diagonally in the corner of the family room. There is wall space on both sides of the entertainment area in which I could install speakers. Of course, the height isn't ideal (it would be above ear-level), but it's at least a consideration for my small living room.

I do have good floor stands for my speakers but I've just run out of room. It would be a challenge to find space for the stands with smaller speakers as well, but I might be able to make something work. But I like the "idea" of utilizing that unused wall space -- though if the sound tanks as a result I just couldn't do it. If I decide to keep the ADS, they'll probably be stuck *inside* that entertainment center area for awhile. Surprisingly, the actually sound good there, too, as bad as that placement is.
****I've read where some speakers (like PSB, Wharfedale and others) claim to have high-end sound at a low cost and that speaker tech has come a long way since the 80s****

Don't put too much stock in printed comments like that. As always, trust your own ears (what you like); "high-end sound" is a relative thing. Good luck.
Agree with Frogman, don't be fooled by advertising hype. You indicated you could get an in-home audition, that is the best way to go if you'd like to see what the PSBs have to offer.
Interesting... 15 years ago I listened to many speakers that I felt could best my trusty ADS's. I finally found the PSB Stratus Golds kicked everything to a whole new level. Obviously this was many years ago, but from a value perspective, PSB is still a way to go. I had been an ADS proponent since 1978.
Since you're looking at used, the Stratus Mini is probably available at a great price. I know you said space constraints are a consideration, but if that is temporary, the Stratus Silver, Bronze, or Gold can be had at great prices, most likely.
I still wish I had held on to my various ADS speakers- they certainly were special... Good luck.