Thinking About A Change

Thinking about selling my beloved red cherry B&W N804s (purchased new in 2001) for a pair of new Legacy Classic HDs. Any thoughts on this? Any recommendations other than the Legacys? Thanks.
What aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you and what areas would you like to improve upon? Tough to make any meaningful recommendations without having some idea of these.
Have you actually heard the Legacy speakers? Why do you want them in particular?
No, I haven't heard them. Spec-wise, they seem to fit the bill ... ribbon tweeter, good bass, and great midrange. The only thing lacking in the N804s is a more robust bass, although it is tuneful and not overpowering. I guess I could try a subwoofer, but I have never been a fan of them. Legacy is a very well-made speaker. I would really like to hear them, but that does not seem to be possible. I know that they can be auditioned from the company directly, but they charge full list price for that convenience.
Never, and I repeat, never purchase speakers blind. This has REGRET written all over it! You know you love your current speakers, and though the Legacy's might (might) have better bass, they also may do something you really do not like.