Shocking 3D sound in 2 channel

I've had it happen a few times where my brain actually thought the center image was real. Somehow the imaging lined up so well that my brain sensed physical objects in front of me - not just a believable illusion.

Can all speakers do this if set up right? Are there some that do this without fail? Was I just imagining it?
With my system it happens with every use does not sound like there on or sound emanating from loudspeaker just a sound stage wall to wall front to back image in center clear as a bell. One issue with conventional dynamic designs or dipoles is the room interaction this obscures imaging. Also improper time alignments can cause image to blur. I even get foley effects behind head or have image spin intact behind listener.
If I can't get a solid, centered image from a mono source or an intended center solo voice in a stereo mix, the speakers aren't set up correctly and/or there's a phase problem.

If I can't get the speakers to sonically disappear, I don't want them.
Dear JohnK,
Good points :)
The outlook for dipoles is not too bleak though. :)
I've found that dipoles "drive" my room more sympathetically than dynamic designs I've owned. The front wave has narrow dispersion and I beam much of this through a wide archway into an adjoining room. The rear wave is mostly absorbed (at most frequencies) by curtains positioned symmetrically behind the speakers.

There are 2 listening positions I use : nearfield - (8 feet away)which gives massive detail and a very intimate sound and farfield (18 feet away in a secondary "sweetspot") in which images tend to coalesce more coherently but are understandably not so "up close and personal", while remaining very detailed.
(Please note I use the term "nearfield" very loosely as true nearfield must be far closer than this :^)
"The other system that does this for me is at my grimy computer desk in my garage. The speakers are $40 Altec Lansing 2.1 computer speakers playing off my computer. The weak link in the chain is every link in the chain! There is nothing in the path that I would say is admirable. Also, the speakers are positioned almost at my sides (more like a 20 degree angle. I think this case is just me sitting conveniently in a good spot between the two channels, however marginal their quality." you're REALLY scaring us :D :D
In this situation it sounds like you might benefit from really good headphones and a Meridian "Prime" which is purported to "externalise" the soundstage in the manner of full blown loudspeakers response in-room :D
Best regards...