Amp Recommendations for AZ Crescendo

I have a pair of Crescendos on their way to me and am seeking recommendations for a synergistic tube amp, especially for a larger room (18x30). I have a Modwright KWA 150SE, so am set with SS. Thanks.
All, thank you for the responses so far. I finally received the Crescendos and set them up this morning. I am breaking them in with my Modwright, but may try my 2.5 watt 2a3 at some point just to see what happens. Anyway, I will pursue a well suited tube amp to mate with them. Has anyone heard the Crescendos with an ARC Reference 75? I suspect this could be a good match.

Also, is everyone using the factory supplied spikes or aftermarket?
Charles, I definitely want to go tubes. Preferably a SET with excellent bass control. Thanks.
Hi Ejay,
Congratulations , you own an excellent pair of speakers and I just heard them again at CES a few days ago. The 2A3 is probably a bit too low powered for anything above modest listening levels ( The tonality may be wonderful however). The ARC REF 75 may work well, based on my familiarity I'd strongly and passionately urge you to try a good quality 845 SET amplifier. Your Crescendos with expose the innate character of the amplifier used.

Congrats on your new Crescendos; they are phenomenal and I love mine...
Ejaynycrrcom I was at soundsofsilence this weekend and he showed me what a big change it was to change out the jumpers that come with the speakers to some Purist Audio jumpers. (this of course if you do not use bi-wire cables). Top end opens up, more transparent.