You first impressions are probably correct, they usually are.
Don't go through all the trouble of adjustments, etc., just to
be more disappointed. You will kick yourself going through all
this and you will still not be happy. You know, toe in, toe out,
replace batteries, dip switches, yikes! High pass filters, you
don't need no high pass filters! Laser checking, tightening all
those cones, oh no not those cones! Calling Johhnny R, god
why bother with all of this? Johnny's a real nice guy but he's
got better things to do with his time then help you with all
this. He could be out with his lovely wife buying her a real
nice dinner for Pete's sake. So, here's a better solution to all
your worries. Pack them up now and forget the day you
purchased them. Go back to what made you happy before
purchasing them. What's a Vandersteen anyway? It's like
meeting someone new and after the chase is over, the trill
never really lives up to your expectations. My solution is so
easy and simple you are gonna say to yourself, hey, why
didn't I think of this first. So just pack them up like you
received them, slap my name and address on the boxes and
send them to me. I feel your pain Troyseaward, and I'm just
a nice guy to make sure you are completely happy in your
life. No need to thank me, just box'em up, label them and off
they go. I'll even send you the shipping label. I know, I
know, you're saying to yourself, why didn't I think of this
first. You will just need to learn from your experiences. So,
when can I expect them? I will just have to suffer to make
you happy. I think my system and room dimensions are up
to the challenge. Don't forget to let me know when your
birthday is so I can send you something nice for boxing them
up and shipping them out. I'll take care of you man, no
worries here. I've got your back. I'm here for you! You can
count on me! What are friends for anyway? No really, I don't
mind a bit. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours. No need
to thank me. We're good to go. One good deed deserves
another. What's yours is mine.
Don't go through all the trouble of adjustments, etc., just to
be more disappointed. You will kick yourself going through all
this and you will still not be happy. You know, toe in, toe out,
replace batteries, dip switches, yikes! High pass filters, you
don't need no high pass filters! Laser checking, tightening all
those cones, oh no not those cones! Calling Johhnny R, god
why bother with all of this? Johnny's a real nice guy but he's
got better things to do with his time then help you with all
this. He could be out with his lovely wife buying her a real
nice dinner for Pete's sake. So, here's a better solution to all
your worries. Pack them up now and forget the day you
purchased them. Go back to what made you happy before
purchasing them. What's a Vandersteen anyway? It's like
meeting someone new and after the chase is over, the trill
never really lives up to your expectations. My solution is so
easy and simple you are gonna say to yourself, hey, why
didn't I think of this first. So just pack them up like you
received them, slap my name and address on the boxes and
send them to me. I feel your pain Troyseaward, and I'm just
a nice guy to make sure you are completely happy in your
life. No need to thank me, just box'em up, label them and off
they go. I'll even send you the shipping label. I know, I
know, you're saying to yourself, why didn't I think of this
first. You will just need to learn from your experiences. So,
when can I expect them? I will just have to suffer to make
you happy. I think my system and room dimensions are up
to the challenge. Don't forget to let me know when your
birthday is so I can send you something nice for boxing them
up and shipping them out. I'll take care of you man, no
worries here. I've got your back. I'm here for you! You can
count on me! What are friends for anyway? No really, I don't
mind a bit. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours. No need
to thank me. We're good to go. One good deed deserves
another. What's yours is mine.