Speaker imaging

Considering my speakers definitely image better when I am not wearing my glasses leads me to conclude imaging ain't really real but relies on the power of suggestion. Sort of like some folks who prefer to listen with the lights off. Any comments?
Another issue is the nose...it's rarely mentioned that some sound goes up your nose while listening and there has been very little research about where that sound ends up. Trapped in the sinus cavities? Does the lower midrange battle with the nose hairs? Can you recover the sound lost to the nostrils? Try listening with and without a large moustache, or simply stick earplugs in your nose when seriously listening to see what I mean...it is an issue requiring further research.
Plastic Surgery may be in order for the TRUE audiophile.

Look good, hear great.....

When the women start flocking around though, to hell with this silly hobby!
Other factors changing the sound, for me, include

Getting a haircut, placing a different piece of furniture in the sweet spot,
vacuuming the carpet before a listening session, treating (wiping) the walls
with anti-static spray.