Sexiest Speakers

My choice for sexiest speaker ever is the

dc10audio Berlin R!

One word to describe the Berlin R is... Sexy!

The Berlins turned wooden horns absolutely steal the show every time! Everyone that sees them spends all their time talking about the speakers (and touching them) while ignoring the rest of my system!
As for the sound all I'll say is get to a dealer and listen for yourself they are the most dynamic and accurate loudspeakers I've owned and the only semi-small speaker that I've owned that play huge deep bass.
I do think the dc10audio Berlin Rs are eye catching. SOmething a little different. Would like to hear to judge.
.... i guess i better learn how to carefully proofread before sending...can i not edit my post? the only thing worse than my typing is my spelling.

*realized there is nothing BUT comments
@ Ozzy, I got a good laugh at reading your post,understand what you are saying, I agree!
If you can't post a picture what's the point, DC0517 has got it right
Let me check that out again