KeithTexas - That's a good analysis of my situation. Also the fact that we're living temporarily in a town home instead of the large SF homes we've always had has a lot to do with it.
But more than anything the prospect of having to start from scratch building an optimal system with synergistic amps, preamps, speakers, interconnects, source, DACs, etc. was just way more than I have time to take on. Especially now that dealers are far and few between, and ones that let you audition gear in your home like in the old days have almost ceased to exist.
As Bjesion said I decided to figure out the electronics and DRASTICALLY simplify the system and process. Either getting active speakers and a DAC or all in one electronics.
I went with the Wadia Intuition which combines DAC, preamp and 190W amp. Sounds amazing, weights 17 lbs and I can carry it under my arm to show rooms to audition speakers. My entire big rig reference electronics gear fitting under my arm? Yes - this is EXACTLY what I was after.
Now the only system matching is between the Wadia and speakers. A much simpler, more rewarding and enjoyable process for sure.