Speakers Distance from Wall

Looking for floor standing speaker recommendations. Due to the room constraints (fireplace in left corner, patio door in right corner), speakers will be placed appx 4 feet from each side wall and the rear wall, and will have 9 feet between them (though they could be brought closer to each other if it improved the sound. So - what speakers can you recommend that do not need to be situated closer than 4 feet to the side and rear wall? I currently use Adcom equipment -- 5500 Amp; GFP 750 Pre Amp. This is two speaker set up, not surround. I can go up to 3k and am comfortable buying used from reputable source. Thanks in advance for your thoughts on the subject.
Running Totem Forests in a space that is ~20' wide by ~29' long. Speakers are
5-6' from sidewalls with rears 3' from short wall behind them . Speakers are
positioned about 5'6" apart. I sit ~8' from them. PLENTY LOUD and great
imaging since moving to this space that provides more distance to sidewalls.
Also, positioning Forests closer together than previous 7' was a revelation.
Tipped off by one reviewer who commented, Pay attention to how Vince B.
positions Forests at shows. Very much agree with Elevick...yours is a good
problem to have. Actually, I wouldn't call it a problem.
I would also offer for consideration; not choosing speakers for amplifiers, etc., instead choose amplifiers, etc. for speakers. You've taken the very wise step of considering your room first when choosing speakers, I'd suggest you consider going in that direction. Don't let your existing gear exclude other speaker options. You can always sell your existing gear and get what might be more appropriate gear for particular speakers. This is Audiogon after all.:-)
BTW, Thiels could work in that room too.
Again, "wow" and thanks to everyone for their input. @Ghosthouse -- in a room that size I'm guessing you had some echo issues to address? If yes, do you have any recommendations. I'm starting (this will get howls from every corner, I'm sure) with 100% tile floor and bare walls. I've coverd about 50% of the floor with rugs, so I've got a ways to go. At the moment, its a cave, though even just that first large rug made a noticeable start.