Selling Dynaudio c2 what next???

Hi I'm new to this forum and was hoping someone could help me or guide me on the right track.
I need to sell my Dynaudio c2 fronts and confidence centre speakers because I've moved to a smaller place and am not happy with the way they sound anymore.
Everything sounds to overpowering.
The rest of my set up is.
Bryston 4bsst2 running fronts, Arcam avr600 doing centre and rears.
Ps audio dac mk2 and transporter, Bryston bp 26 and Cambridge audio 751 for movies.
I had a listen to a few wilson benesch speakers and the ones that I enjoyed the most were the Act.
I can't get a home demo and don't want to spend that kind of money without a home demo.
Could anyone give me feed back on this brand of speaker or something close or better sounding without being to fatiguing. That is my only concern about the Acts.
My budget is 15-20k that's including a centre speaker.
Thank you.
Raidho's are anything but fatiguing. Again as a former Dyn C1 and C1 sig owner I would say the dyn's are more fatiguing (Raidho is better in the mids and highs). That said the bass in the Raidho's don't come close the Dyn C1. The bass drops like a rock with Raidho D1's at 50hz (C1's rated at 45hz but really are closer to the mid 30's). But what they do is so much better than the Dyns. The separation between instruments and vocals is amazing due to a much blacker background. Better depth too. I hear detail like I never knew from the Dyn's. They also are not analytical. But like with electrostatics the Raidho's are very directional meaning a small sweet spot. As one reviewer stated "outside the sweet spot the speakers are good but in the sweet spot Good God".

But like I said before Dyn C1's are a bargain (8,500 for the C1 signatures vs 25,500 for the D1's)(stands optional).
Thanks Xti16
Will try and have a listen to theses speakers.
Price is quite a big difference compared to the Dyns, wonder if performance is worth the $ difference?
Will have a listen anyway.
Thanks again.
IF you find good Dynaudio sound overpowering, consider a pair of omni OHM Walshes perhaps. I have both and like each for their own unique traits. OHM Walsh omni presentation is more aout filling the room with sound rather than directing it at you.

You'll probably save a lot of money to invest in music or whatever as well, especially if the room is not large.
YG Carmel. Floorstanding two-way at $18k is imo a level up from Dynaudio, which I also really like. Good low end extension and I think it drops off smoother than the C1, even though its also ported. Very musical AND detailed. Gives everything but on a smaller scale.
Do yo think that my Bryston 4bsst2 would be ok to drive these speakers?
Or would I need to upgrade the power amp as well?