Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?

Has anyone ever sold speakers you "really" liked for various reasons. Many members may rightfully respond".... are you crazy after all the looking and comparing" However such a rote answer, does not answer the thread

Why did you sell them?? 1)You needed the money?? 2)Were moving a long distance? 3)Too big (or small) for the new living space?? 4)Just wanted to own a speaker that was newer, different and sounded better??

Unfortunately I will have to dealer with reasons 2 and 3 in the a few months. Nevertheless, I could sell them local and buy the same when I am settled

However, the more interesting and provocative reason for this thread is #4....the itch, bug, jonesing for something "new", and possibly "better" in sound quality.

All opinions, comments, real life stories welcomed!!!

Enjoyed a pair of the original Vandersteen 2C's from the mid 1980's for many years. Sold them due to new, smaller listening room and very low WAF. ;-) No regrets, though: started me on a trade up path that has resulted in a much better (to my ears) system.

One amplifier designer I know sold his Rosinante speakers then bought them back from the guy a few years later.

Agree the Rosinante speakers (Gabrielle) are keepers. They have been the pillar for my system for many years. Can not beat 95db efficiency with response under 30 hz not to mention its transparent sound.

They do not make the silver wires used for the drivers in speakers today.

I sold a pair of 80's vintage Magnepan MG1c speakers I enjoyed for many years in that they were not a good fit in my current house/rooms compared to our prior home.
Also a pair of B&W P6 floorstanders for similar reasons, though I would like to be able to hear those now off my current setup, particularly with the CLass D BEl Canto amps and ARC tube pre-amp.
I had a pair of Acoustat 2+2s from new in the early 80s until around 2005. They were part of the system I had when I met my wife, so she just accepted them along with my other idiosyncrasies (they're 82 inches tall - very low WAF). They got stored when we moved over seas for a few years. By the time we moved back, I'd been using stand mount speakers and knew the 2+2s would never fly in our living room again. They're long gone and replaced by probably better speakers, but I'd still like to be able to hear them again.