Jospeh Audio Pearl3 or Rockport Atria

I am looking for compact floorstanders. Recently heard the Rockport Avior ($30,000) at show, and was immensely impressed. They are too big for my room.
I will go hear the Atria ($20,000) which seems attractively priced, relatively of course, and more compact. Wondering if anyone has an opinion about Atria comparing to another similarly sized floorstander, the Joseph Pearl3?
Hey Goose, not sure what your room looks like, but mathematically it would work well with the Atria. I have had the Avior and Atria in a 14x23x9 room and preferred the Atria in many ways. If the room were slightly larger the Avior might be a better choice, We have them both here in SoCal if you want to hear them.