Jospeh Audio Pearl3 or Rockport Atria

I am looking for compact floorstanders. Recently heard the Rockport Avior ($30,000) at show, and was immensely impressed. They are too big for my room.
I will go hear the Atria ($20,000) which seems attractively priced, relatively of course, and more compact. Wondering if anyone has an opinion about Atria comparing to another similarly sized floorstander, the Joseph Pearl3?
Have any of you guys seen / hear the Pearl3 at a dealer/retailer? If so, which one and location ?
Happy Listening!
Joseph Audio demonstrates a lot at the audio shows.
I just saw their demonstrating their speakers at the NY Audio show in Brooklyn this month in late September.
The Pearls were at the NY Audio show in 2013.
I would email them if the Pearls will be at this NY Audio show

New York Marriott at the Brooklyn B 333 Adams Street
New York, NY 11201
New York Audio Show '14
Fri. Sep 26, 2014 at 2:00pm - Sun. Sep 28, 2014 at 5:00pm