Do distortion 's affect enjoyment of speaker?

Hoping for a concensus.
It depends.

All speakers produce distortion.

But it varies what people are sensitive to, and indeed there are some studies that show certain distortions are preferred.

Distortion doesn't just mean noise or hum or something objectionable. It simply means the speaker's output differs from the input. As stated above, many people prefer speakers that add bass, amplifiers that round off the top end or depress the midrange. Plus, any speaker's output in a real living space is likely going to be far off from what the manufacturer intended as rooms can reinforce or cancel bass, reflect or absorb highs, etc... That's why the only way to judge a speaker is to install it in your system and see if you like it.
What Chayro said, pretty much.

SOme types of distortion may have positive effects, like those one might apply with a frequency equalizer or dynamic range processor for example.

Other impact things in a clearly negative way. Amp clipping is a very common example. It can occur to various degrees, some less audible than others, but the effect on music is always negative.

Tasteful makeup on a beautiful woman is a common example of distortion that is usually interpreted positively.

It is a distortion of reality. Is it a good or bad thing?

Same with tone controls in audio or picture quality adjustments in video. All distortions that might be regarded differently on an individual basis. are all very funny. IMHO distortion is not acceptable in home audio! While in live music distortion is accepted fully. I have always wondered about this,but the fact remains that DISTORTION is not good for the listening room.
Speakers are just speakers, but it affects music and changes the sound of recorded media.
Ever heard Johnny Cash singing with pitch of Neil Young?
The Distortion is guilty as charged.