Voice and instrument image bunched in the middle??

Playing with speaker placement in hopes of improving focus and image placement etc etc along the width of the soundstage. Voices and instruments seem to be all bunched up in the middle of the soundstage. At wits end...can't seem to get an improvement. Too close to side walls? Too much or too little toe in? Speakers too near or far apart?

Any suggestions?
If all of your connections are proper, try the Sumiko Master Set Method of speaker placement. Works with any system and in any room.
There are so many things wrong with everything it almost defies description. I refer you to my new article, "What's Wrong with CDs and Why do they Sound So Horrible?"

Having no idea what your system consists of I would say that it could be your system.
Equipment info would be helpful.
As previous posters mentioned, you may have mono recording or simply mono switch on preamp.