Can someone recommend a few Joni Michell albums?

Can someone recommend me a few Joni Michell album to get? Since she has made so many albums in the past it seems impossible from where to start? Even a few words regarding the recommended albums are most welcome.... your help is most appreciated. Thank you.
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Viridian, it was a joke...both titles (now). Seriously speaking however,, I just listened to Blue for the first time in years and was reminded that "Carey" and "A Case of You" are two of the finest songs ever written. I also think the For the Roses album is up there with her best.
While "Blue" is her signature work it is "Hissing On The Summer Lawns" and "Hejira" that really challenge the listener. She stretches the boundaries of mere folk music and simple melody. Consciously artistic (she pushes herself to reinvent herself) as opposed to the confessional poet flower child bandwagon she hopped early in her career. "Court and Spark" is funny and lurid at the same time. If you had these four you wouldn't need any more.
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