I'm just laughing my ass off. I love the wtf b.s. Why don't you go get another tattoo wtf guy. Yeah, I go to your restaurant, get petty about too much salt, call my friends to Yelp you to negative death since nothing you do (comps), can please me. Further example, you claim to be first-rate, you attempt to make things right for me, but I will here none of it, my petty salt complaint grows bigger, I and my friends now hate you, your service all your good stuff doesn't matter to the many folks who might have visited your restaurant. My friends and I continue scream bloody Hell for weeks on end, hiding behind the Internet keyboard; we do, do damage to your business.
Now, Eric has built a number of terrific speaker models, has worked real hard building his business, rumor has it he is swamped with business, makes minor mistake and you want him nailed to a cross. You are just a bit too cavalier in harsh judgement of Eric (something stinks). As stated before, he offered to exchage the speaker for OP. That should have been enough. Some guys are just a little too trigger happy to sully a good rep over the Internet.
My wacko scenario above could happen to anyone. A tad of mercy and a benefit of doubt can go a long way in life. Might even help achieve a better outcome.
Now, Eric has built a number of terrific speaker models, has worked real hard building his business, rumor has it he is swamped with business, makes minor mistake and you want him nailed to a cross. You are just a bit too cavalier in harsh judgement of Eric (something stinks). As stated before, he offered to exchage the speaker for OP. That should have been enough. Some guys are just a little too trigger happy to sully a good rep over the Internet.
My wacko scenario above could happen to anyone. A tad of mercy and a benefit of doubt can go a long way in life. Might even help achieve a better outcome.