Phillips no longer producing transports

Hi folks, as many of you are no doubt aware Phillips have decided to stop producing the Pro 2 LH transport used by ARC, Ayon, Vitus and others. What does this all mean? I'm informed by one manufacturer who I wont name that their stock of transports is good for another year or so of production whilst maintaining stock for warranty service. I'm told they are now moving toward designing a server to replace cd players in future. Esoteric are still manufacturing transports, and Accuphase have moved to a proprietory transport mechanism, so cd players will still be produce into the future. But for a powerhouse like Phillips to give up on cd transports is a harbinger, a sign of things to come and the likely phasing out of cd production. It is likely in future cd production will only continue in small runs of for audiophile labels and boutique producers, and high res downloads will continue to develop and become more mainstream. I think Bob Dylan said "The times they are a changin'".
Isochronism, in the unlikely event your Phillips Pro2 transport fails in future the most likely part to fail would be the laser. If you contact Naim they should be prepared to sell you a laser assembly to keep on stock. My next cd player will have a Pro2-LF transport & I plan to get it shipped with a spare laser assembly mainly for resale value. Obviously being able to advertise your player with a spare laser will give assurance to any prospective buyer.
Iso, i'm pretty much the same. My next cdp will be a Vitus SCD-025 which I plan to keep for the long haul. One spare laser on hand is good insurance.
Thats a shame, The philips transports were very good!, I will miss them!, they always played cds when other transports would not!, On the bright side, what do all of you have to say about the Esoteric K-03, K-01 transports?
Audiolabyrinth you have already beat this to death on another thread.

No need to hyjack this one!