Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013

Did anyone get a chance to hear this digital player. Seems similar to the Bryston BDP-2. I am very interested in how the upsampled DSD sounded.
I will never buy anything like that from Sony...... Knowing Sony it will probably only allow you to buy music from Bastards!!!!
I only have 1 Sony device, a modified Sony SCD-1. It is the best sounding CD player I have ever heard. Especially after the mods I had done. I have heard a few 20k players from various brands.

So I am quite high on the Sony audio brand.
Upsampling all PCM to double speed DSD is what Meitner and Playback Design do. With mods this might be killer. I am thinking I might work up serious mods on this baby.
Before RMAF '13 I would have scoffed at a sony product. Their speakers were one if the best at the show. I also heard this streamer in a couple rooms and it sounded and functioned great. I will be buying one.