Before RMAF '13 I would have scoffed at a sony product. Their speakers were one if the best at the show. I also heard this streamer in a couple rooms and it sounded and functioned great. I will be buying one.
could someone confirm for me that the Sony unit actually has variable outputs (both balanced and SE). Most Sony digital sources have in the past. I realize the handheld has volume up/down but no where on the specs does it actually claim fixed vs variable. I am assuming it has variable output but would like to be sure.
The Sony does have both single ended and balanced analog outputs. There is a "light" article about the new Sony components in the December TAS and information about them on Sony"s website.
Sorry Petland, I didn't answer your question. I can't confirm that both outputs are variable, but two reviews I read stated that the outputs were for connecting to an amp and the remote has volume up and down buttons. Those clues make me think that both outputs are variable but I haven't seen that question addressed directly.
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