Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013

Did anyone get a chance to hear this digital player. Seems similar to the Bryston BDP-2. I am very interested in how the upsampled DSD sounded.
This model is now at a number of dealers. I listened to it here in San Antonio and was quite impressed. I also brought 2 IPADS (1st & 3rd Gen), 1 laptop and 1 android device to the audition. I wanted to test the software and see if it would work well on all of those devices since the screen on the server is so small. I must report that ALL devices worked very well and the interface was much better and smoother than my Olive 4 music server. No problem moving files from the laptop and such. Based on my listening experience (all McIntosh system with B&W 802D speakers) I ordered the server. Expect it in a few days and will let you know what I find out as I use it at home.
Rg58, thanks for your impressions so far. Looking forward to your further observations particularly since I also have B&W speakers (804 Diamond with Musical Fidelity). On another forum I did read a somewhat negative comment about the transfer software because apparently only 100 folders can be transferred at a time. My concern about the software has more to do with how easy it will be to find specific albums once the transfer is complete, particularly classical albums. I'm not sure but I suspect there's no way to search based on composer which would be a limitation for anyone with a lot of classical music. Another aspect of the software that interests me is if there are any hassles involved in creating playlists. And one hardware question I have is whether or not the harddrive can be replaced by the user should it fail or would this require shipping the player off to a service center.
I see now that the hard drive replacement question I raised above does appear to be answered in the "Quick Reference Guide" that's posted on Sony's website, which states: "Do not replace or add hard disk drives on the unit." So much for user serviceability.

But fear not! Additional language on page 7 of the Guide infers -- albeit with incredibly roundabout language -- that hard drive repair and replacement can be handled through Sony. On the other hand, however, absolutely no information is provided as to who one would contact to make any such arrangement. In fact, warranty information about the HAP-Z1ES of any kind whatsoever seems to be totally 'missing in action' from the product's page on Sony's website.

I don't know about anyone else, but I find such omissions as these a little troubling particularly given this humdinger that also appears in the Quick Reference Guide: "Due to the nature of the hard disk drive, we do not recommend you store data on the hard disk drive for a long period." How's that for a disclaimer! Kind of reminds me of the drug ads on TV that tell you if you take this drug your arms are gonna fall off and then you'll go blind.