New ZYX Premium cartridge line

The ZYX site lists three new premium cartridges.

Are these now available and at what prices?

Care to comment Mr Deacon the ZYX man?
Did you notice the magic gizmo attached to the front of the new Zyx cartridges?? I wonder if that's the Walker mod?????
I believe the use of a magic gizmo by ZYX pre-dates the use of a magic gizmo by Walker. An earlier ZYX TOTL cartridge had it already several years ago, if you are talking about a sapphire-colored sphere, said to be a crystal. Of course, one could always say that one's magic gizmo is superior to that of another.
Tad, That sure is a very beautiful looking cartridge!!
Stringreen, Lapis Lazuli balancing weight.
Frankly, Isochronism, I wasn't that enthusiastic about the look of the cartridge, specially with a Lapis ball in front. I still am not but I am looking beyond that as it is the sound that I am looking(hearing)at. After 3 days of playing, putting in about 12 hours of playtime, the sound is getting better with better imaging and more air around instruments. The good thing about this cartidge is that it never sounded harsh or edgy even when new. Bass seemed to extend deeper than the 1st day and the top frequency has more shimmer and air. The whole frequancy range is well extended with good timbral accuracy. Vocals sounded very lifelike. I will give another comment when it reach the 50 hours mark.