LP Record Cleaning Machine - Ultrasonic or Vacuum

I am new to analog and am considering to get a record cleaning machine. There are some comments that the ultrasonic may damage fine patterns oinside the tracks of old records and resulting in lost of high frequency extention. Would anyone have any comments or experience on the issue.

Thank you in advance for your responses.
I just purchase Klaudio Ultrasonic machine. I have the Nitty Gritty 1.5 Fi and the Spin Clean cleaners, I like both machines but i really want to try the ultrasonic method. I also tried steam cleaning but I could not detect any difference in steaming or using the nitty gritty or the spin clean. I am waiting to see what the Klaudio does when it arrive. I will be listing the others soon.
Friends and I recently had a room at RMAF where 95% of the records played had recently been cleaned with a borrowed AudioDesk machine. I know very little about the machine or its manufacture, but I do know that the room was well-received overall by reviewers and listeners alike. One reason, no doubt, was that the records played beautifully without noise or other distracting artifacts.

In my opinion, ultrasonic is an excellent choice. Which ultrasonic path to take is for you to sort out. I plan on building my own just because I'm reasonably handy that way.
A KLaudio cleaner arrived in the belly of an Air India Boeing from JFK, a few days back. Initial impressions are that I am getting superior results with the KLaudio compared to my 2 year old Loricraft PRC 4 dlx. Does it remove every pop and crackle, the answer is no. Every record in my collection that has been cleaned with a variety of enzyme solutions on the Loricraft is significantly quieter after the KLaudio. IMHO , the KLaudio, with its superb built quality could be a game changer for vinyl cleaning .
My KLaudio arrived yesterday. I only cleaned a dozen LPs so far. All the LPs had been cleaned before with Clearaudio Matrix machine, often multiple times with various cleaners, Mofi deep clean/superwash/enzymes, L'Art du Son, Hannl, Mint, some even soaked for multiple days with dish washer soap etc. A few even had steam cleaning which I found to be better than Clearaudio but took too much time and effort so I rarely bothered. They all showed major improvements as far as pop and crackles are concerned and background is much quieter for sure. I have a big stack of LPs I bought over the past 3 months that I have not cleaned yet. Look like that stack will be taken care easily over the next few days with no hazzle while I am listening to music (the unit is in a different room).
What happened to putting all your LPs on the floor, covering them with carpet cleaner, and then simply get out the vacuum and go at it? This worked for laundry issues in college...