Test LP's Worth it?

I was wondering who among you has had experience with the test LP's, like the one from Analogue Productions or Hi-Fi News? Are they worth it, or do you need special monitoring equipment like oscilloscopes or whatever?

PS: the search function didn't work for me.
I also use the Hi-Fi News LP, and it helps you figure out what it says it does. I found it especially useful for fine-tuning azimuth and anti-skate. Like Moonglum says, it's still no substitute for music or a good protractor.
I've owned the HFN&RR test record for about ten years. It hasn't left its sleeve in the last five and I've set up dozens of cartridges on multiple arms without it.

If I connected a cartridge with the channels reversed or out of phase (did that once, lol), I'd surely notice the moment I spin a familiar LP.

I find it useless for anti-skating, which I can adjust more accurately and faster by listening to music.

It does work for fine-tuning azimuth, provided that you have a Fozgometer or a bandpass filter + multimeter/oscilloscope and the time to fuss with them. I've done it. What it taught me is that I can fine tune azimuth as accurately by listening to music, and faster too.

Stringreen's right that you need one to use a Fozgometer. Of course that just brings us to, do you need a Fozgometer? ;-)
Can't justify dropping $299 for a Fozgometer, protractor or a bandpass filter + multimeter/oscilloscope etc. I've used the MoFi disc to set up alignment, overhang, etc.
Just wondering if these LP's were worth it, but at $39-$49 it's not a real big investment after all.
I have a Shure test record and it is invaluable in testing resonance with arm and cartridge. Make sure the test record you get has this test included!