VPI Classic III force gauge

My VIP Classic 3 came with a small digital force gauge, but when I try to set the VTA on the TT the gauge grab the stylus because this gauge is magnetized. I am a bit worried that my cantilever might break off if I use this digital gauge. Has anyone had any issues with this gauge? Also have you compared its accuracy with other gauges including the Shure gauge? One would think since VPI supplied this gauge it should be OK, but I don't think so.
me either.....use the Shure Bros. scale. It will get you into the ball park and then use your ears. There is no need for an electronic scale.
Are you sure it's the gauge and not the cartridge causing the attraction?
Either way, it would be pretty dang stupid to use ferrous metal in a device of this type.
I don't recall any such problems dialing in the Blackbird on my Classic II.
Wow, there used to cases where the Shure gauge was made of the wrong metal (I had one) and attracted the cart, but I've never heard of a digital gauge doing this. I'd get in touch with VPI about it and NOT use it from now on.
I spoke to VPI about it and they said some of the scale will be magnetized because of the the manufacturing process of the stainless steel in the scale. They said they can exchange it for me if I send it in. I will do a follow up when I get it back.