Used turntable market

I have been monitoring the turntable classify on Audiogon and it seems very few actually get sold. Are people afraid of buying used tables? What are the real risks? What are your experiences in buying used turntables and cartridges without actually demoing the unit?

I dont know how many actually do or dont sell, but personally I am concerned about shipping something as fragile as a TT. If it does arrive in one piece you have to deal with setting it up,mounting the cart. etc. I would prefer to have a B&M dealer behind me.
I've bought and sold multiple used tables and as long as you are competent with setting them up, and tweaking operation, there's no issue - except for risk of shipping damage. I've had 2 of them arrive damaged (the dust covers broken) in spite of some good care taken by the seller in packaging (one was an Audiogon dealer). BTW - some tables ship better than others. I have shipped many without incident, but I go to extremes in shipping - including disassembling them and packaging parts in separate boxes. This requires the receiver to be able to reassemble them. The fact is though - turntable are incredibly simple devices. It's not rocket science to be able to handle assembly and setup. My philosophy is if you can't handle these basics you should stick to digital . . .
You certainly want to make sure that any seller knows how to properly pack and ship a turntable. The quality of packing materials also plays a big role. Best turntable packing materials I have ever seen are for the Well Tempered Amadeus. They deserve a reward for those packing materials (as well for the sound of the table at that price point).
All I know is that I just recently purchased a very nice used tt/cartridge on audiogon, had it shipped across the country, and all is extremely well. Of course a local sale is always preferable but what your looking for is not always available.