Moving-Coil Step-Up Transformer SUT

Is anyone here using an MC SUT?

If so, which one are you using and what MC cart/MM phono stage combo are you using it with?
Dear Agiaccio: I own several SUTs my advise is that find out a Denon AU-340 ( second hand, low price. ) a great SUT where you need to rewire internally for it can shows that greatness. IMHO not only at the level of today top SUTs but even can outperform some of them.

It's user friendly and you can choose between different gain and impedance and can connect two different cartridges and choose in between to playback. Those cartridges can be either MM/MI or LOMC ones.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Jfrech: You own two top top LOMC cartridges that maybe could takes benefit of a Modified Denon AU-340. You can try and decide if really you get an improvement, I know you will but you are the best judge in your audio system.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear friends: Any one of you that could be interested here can read the Denon AU-340 specifications, look at that frequency response figure and ask your self if the SUT you own is near that spec or over it:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Rauliruegas,what do you mean by "a great SUT where you need to rewire internally" for the Denon AU-340 SUT?
Hey Raul, I used to own a Denon AU-340 for years and years. I had it rewired with Randall Research is pretty good...I have to agree with you...