Moving-Coil Step-Up Transformer SUT

Is anyone here using an MC SUT?

If so, which one are you using and what MC cart/MM phono stage combo are you using it with?
Dear friends: Any one of you that could be interested here can read the Denon AU-340 specifications, look at that frequency response figure and ask your self if the SUT you own is near that spec or over it:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Rauliruegas,what do you mean by "a great SUT where you need to rewire internally" for the Denon AU-340 SUT?
Hey Raul, I used to own a Denon AU-340 for years and years. I had it rewired with Randall Research is pretty good...I have to agree with you...
Dear Agiaccio: The AU-340 is a vintage/out of production design not today design so it needs some kind of " refresh " to stay competitive at the very top of the ladder quality performance.

Btw, if any one of you are i9nterest in the AU-340 mods please email me. You can choose between 3 different up grade stages. The mods are not big deal, any one can do it and the rewards are just non-imaginable.

regrads and enjoy the music,
I am using a Ypsilon MC-16. It has wonderful transparency and is very quiet. The shielding is better than any SUT I have seen. Like all things Ypsilon;stupid expensive.
