What venues are best for selling used equipment?

I haven't sold much audio equipment, though I have sold a couple of items through Audiomart, and I have sold non-audio equipment through Ebay. I have recently joined Audiogon, and purchased a receiver by means of an Audiogon ad. Do any of you have enough experience with these or other venues, to compare the relative merits of each?
Out of all of the audio based websites, Audiogon typically has the most consistent results with the least amount of hassles. I've listed identical items on Audiogon, Audio Review, AudioShopper, AudioWeb, etc... at the same time and 90% of my inqiries and sales have been through Audiogon. That tells me that the results are WELL worth the very small fee that they charge to list items here. Sean
I've sold items on this site and (in the past) through the Audiomart publication, in all cases with no problems. This site will be faster. A lot of nice folks in both venues.