For years...he has maligned the TW Acustic Raven turntables on every audio Forum he could find....
With overtones of arrogant superiority.....his subjective diatribes may have left many owners of these fine turntables feeling insecure....especially in the face of his proclaimed superiority for the Micro Seiki RX-5000?
With the advent of the Timeline....we finally have an OBJECTIVE scientific measure of the speed accuracy and consistency of any turntable.
And still over the last two years.......Syntax has proclaimed that not one...out of a dozen Raven AC turntables he had tested....could pass the Timeline Test...whilst his RX-5000 was "burning holes in the wall" with its Timeline accuracy?
The first time we see visual proof of the Timeline with my Raven AC-2 and his Micro Seiki RX-5000....you can see the Raven keeping absolutely consistent timing under load albeit at 33.31rpm (an error of .06% which is better than any turntable's printed specification)....and keeping dead-on 33.33rpm spinning freely.
Yet the laser mark with the RX-5000 can be seen to drift forwards of the letter K in the word FRUHBECK...then backwards to the C and then even further back under the letter E before appearing suddenly under the letter K again.
This cycle keeps repeating throughout the video (which is shorter than all the other videos posted).....and there is no filming with the cartridge 'up' so that comparisons can be made about the effects of stylus drag as is done on all my videos?
This objective evidence demonstrates a very poor performance from the Micro Seiki RX-5000 IMHO....and I would recommend to all those with Raven turntables who ever again see malicious subjective comments posted against these fine turntables....to simply post the two comparative videos shown on this Thread.
And those who may own Kuzma Reference turntables......notice that no visual evidence has been filed in support of these 'cheap' words from Syntax?
He prefers that you simply 'believe him'?
To write somerhing useful for readers, the Kuzma "Reference" runs also with wrong Speed (too fast)....the search goes on :-)I wouldn't worry what Syntax writes......
For years...he has maligned the TW Acustic Raven turntables on every audio Forum he could find....
With overtones of arrogant superiority.....his subjective diatribes may have left many owners of these fine turntables feeling insecure....especially in the face of his proclaimed superiority for the Micro Seiki RX-5000?
With the advent of the Timeline....we finally have an OBJECTIVE scientific measure of the speed accuracy and consistency of any turntable.
And still over the last two years.......Syntax has proclaimed that not one...out of a dozen Raven AC turntables he had tested....could pass the Timeline Test...whilst his RX-5000 was "burning holes in the wall" with its Timeline accuracy?
The first time we see visual proof of the Timeline with my Raven AC-2 and his Micro Seiki RX-5000....you can see the Raven keeping absolutely consistent timing under load albeit at 33.31rpm (an error of .06% which is better than any turntable's printed specification)....and keeping dead-on 33.33rpm spinning freely.
Yet the laser mark with the RX-5000 can be seen to drift forwards of the letter K in the word FRUHBECK...then backwards to the C and then even further back under the letter E before appearing suddenly under the letter K again.
This cycle keeps repeating throughout the video (which is shorter than all the other videos posted).....and there is no filming with the cartridge 'up' so that comparisons can be made about the effects of stylus drag as is done on all my videos?
This objective evidence demonstrates a very poor performance from the Micro Seiki RX-5000 IMHO....and I would recommend to all those with Raven turntables who ever again see malicious subjective comments posted against these fine turntables....to simply post the two comparative videos shown on this Thread.
And those who may own Kuzma Reference turntables......notice that no visual evidence has been filed in support of these 'cheap' words from Syntax?
He prefers that you simply 'believe him'?